Pepper Crusted Steak

Pepper Crusted Steak

A mouth-watering steak is an essential in any balanced diet. This simple pepper crusted steak recipe goes a long way towards cooking perfection.


500g matured rump steak
coarse black pepper
course salt
1 packet couscous
salt & pepper (season to taste)
1 red pepper – fine brunoise (diced)
2 red chilli pepper – finely chopped
1 large red or white onion – diced
coriander leaves
1 yellow pepper – fine brunoise (diced)


Coat the rump with coarse black pepper and season with some coarse salt.
Sear the matured rump steak in golden brown butter until medium to rare.
Pour couscous into a container, season with salt and pepper. Cover with boiling water – about 2cm above. Allow to absorb water for 10 minutes. Gently stir couscous with a large for or a two pronged chef fork. Do not use a spoon, this will press the couscous together and make a paste.
Saute the onions in butter. When the onions have a translucent colour, add the peppers and chilli.
Do not keep on heat for too long, the crunch of the peppers still needs to come through.
Mix the peppers and the couscous together and mix with some freshly chopped coriander leaved.

You pepper crusted steak is ready to serve!

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