Cast iron – an unforgettable era returns

Cast iron – an unforgettable era returns

Aromatic lamb stews, bacon on a hot skillet, onions sautéing in butter, delicious winter soups and yummy hot puddings. For a lot of us, just these words transport us back to Sundays at grandma’s when the whole family would get together for a delicious feast of traditional cooking.

Over the years, cooking has evolved into “quick and easy meals”, throwing something together before the guests arrive, or even warming up ready-made meals…eek! Traditional heavy cookware has been replaced with light, innovative products that get the job done. But there is a move – a food revolution – and we are excited about it! Foodies, home-style restaurants, food markets and artisanal cafés are popping up all over South Africa, celebrating the thing that brings us all together – good food.
Now that the appreciation is back – so is the cookware that brought us the wholesome, home-cooked goodness at grandma’s; and we’ve got it – a range of cast iron casseroles, grills, and pans that will last you a lifetime. No more ready-made meals!

Cast iron casseroles are often passed down from generation to generation, only to become dust-collectors. Don’t be fooled – cast iron can be your biggest ally in the kitchen! Sear a mouth-watering steak straight on the grill outside, slow cook a delicious roast or even bake a cake. The adventurous can even attempt frittata’s and flat bread. The options are endless.

Why buy Eetrite cast iron

Just as the cooking options are endless, so are the benefits of cooking with cast iron. Here are a few of our favourite things about our range:

• The interior of Eetrite cast iron casseroles are non-stick
• The colourful exterior makes dishes look great from stove to oven, from oven to table, and from table to dishwasher
• The weight of our cast iron provides both heat retention and even heat distribution, for better energy consumption
• The ridges in our grill pans allow fats and oils to be separated from food when cooking

The cast iron trend has made a big-come back, with Sunday roasts filling homes of South Africans across the country, bringing the meals of yesteryear into the present.

If you are not lucky enough to have inherited one of these beauties, have a look at the Eetrite range, and feel free to share you’re favourite cast iron recipes with us!