Homemade edible playdough | Quick & easy holiday fun!

Homemade edible playdough | Quick & easy holiday fun!

For many foodies and great cooks, their journey begins in their family kitchen as a child. With that in mind we found the perfect way to get your little one’s excited about getting their hands ‘dirty’ in the kitchen – homemade edible playdough!

With the school holidays around the corner, we have found a simple way to keep the kids busy, and the best part is, you don’t have to worry that turning your back for a second will lead to a mouthful of the unknown (as is sometimes customary with toddlers).

Not only is it loads of fun and yummy but it’s also a great family activity.

* This recipe makes one ball of playdough – simply double/triple or quadruple the ingredients to make as much as you need

You’ll need

21g marshmallows (large, medium or small)

2 slightly heaped tablespoons Maizena

1 tsp coconut oil

Optional extra

Food colouring of your choice

Get started

It doesn’t get any easier than this…

• Place all of the ingredients into a microwaveable container

• Microwave for 30 seconds

• Using a tablespoon, mix the ingredients together until combined

• If you are adding colouring, you can now add a few drops (about 6 for a bright colour). Stir to combine.

• The mixture will form a ball around the spoon. Using your fingers, scrape the mixture off the spoon onto a clean surface

• Knead until smooth

• Play!

So simple, so yum!

Play date idea: Invite a few of your little one’s friends over and make all the colours of the rainbow, then let their creativity go wild!